Getting to Know Me, Part 2: My First Year as a Blogger

Thank you…

I started blogging just a year ago near the start of my freelance leap and I wonder why I didn’t start doing this sooner (both blogging and freelancing.) I really feel lucky to have become a small part of the online design community, thanks for all the feedback, technical support, resource sharing, retweets, advice, diggs, floats, comments. Thanks for including me in your blog or for participating in mine. Thank you for reading, sharing, subscribing, stumbling, referring, hiring, visiting and being involved.

Sleepy Cat

Blogging is hard

My first year as a blogger started out bumpy, I felt a little lost at first – my posts were scarce as I hadn’t gotten used to balancing client work with my own marketing efforts. For many months, it seemed I was posting for no one, getting minimal visits, no comments and just pushing on, telling myself that things would pick up if I just kept posting.


2008 Wrap-Up

Slowly over the year things have picked up. In June, a post of mine made the front page of Digg. In July I got a free 2-day pass to the BizJam Conference put on by Biznik in Seattle, compliments to Michelle from Anti 9to5 Guide. (Photo above is from the conferences keynote – words to live by, if you ask me.)By the fall of the year, I’d resolved to updating at least once a week and I’ve managed to stick with it – yay! In September I started postng monthly wrap-ups.

What Now?

I have a few plans for 2009. I’ll continue with my website redesign. I want to plan some new posts featuring some of the awesome people I’ve met via Twitter from the online design community. I will be starting a 365 at the first of ’09 – which you can follow on my Flickr and  I’ll continue doing Freelance Tips. Check out my list of ’09 Goals, both in and out of the office.

If there is anything you would like to see more (or less) of – let me know. Leave a comment or follow me on twitter.