5 Freelance Lessons Learned From Musicals

“Beauty School Drop Out” Grease 1. Look before you leap! Freelancing ain’t easy and there’s no reason to make it any more difficult for yourself by jumping ship before you’re ready. Weather you lack nest-egg funds, skills, or connections, a few years out in the “real world” of your industry is the best way to… Continue reading 5 Freelance Lessons Learned From Musicals

My Freelance Life: Why I Started On The Road To Self-Employment

“Nobility, to me, is using your creative talents to invent a job for yourself and getting paid a decent wage to do it.”– Michelle Goodman, My So-Called Freelance Life The thing about freelancing is that you gotta have the chutzpa to carve out your own spot in your industry and dance to the beat of… Continue reading My Freelance Life: Why I Started On The Road To Self-Employment

Social Networking ain't for everyone (But you should do it anyway)

I recently attended the 2-day BizJam Seattle 08, a Small Business Networking Conference here in Seattle, WA. The first day was heavily focused on online social networking, everyone was told they should be blogging, flickring, youtubing, podcasting, videocasting, connecting, sharing, bookmarking, reading, feeding and tweet… tweet… twittering. But should they? (for those of you still… Continue reading Social Networking ain't for everyone (But you should do it anyway)