Free WordPress Theme: Simple Changes

Simple Changes is a free WordPress theme for download. This is my first release of a theme, so I’d appreciate any feedback or suggestions you have to give me. This theme is completely free, use it/change it as you desire. If you have need for a completely custom designed theme for your personal blog or business website, I can design and develop one for you! Contact me or @cmdshiftdesign me on Twitter!

View Demo | Download Theme (.zip)


Simple Changes - WordPress Theme


  1. It turned out great, Liz. I just downloaded, and might use it for a client of mine that wants a blog. btw, the rss & twitter icons look great now, hehe. Thanks!

  2. I like the theme, the only thing I noticed is that the number of comments “12” hugs the right edge of the speech balloon. I think I little right padding is in order.

  3. I’ve been looking for a template to use and really love its simple, open layout. I think I’m base my site around this template as well. Thanks!

  4. Dont work with WordPress 2.7, i get a lots of errors like this

    “Fatal error: Call to undefined function userphoto_the_author_photo() in /var/www/virtual/ Changes/sidebar.php on line 26”

    and the Design is Broken :-( , look here
    Design: Great Work, i Like it.

    1. @ noolaa check out the “read me” document that comes along with the theme. You’ll need to either install the User Photo pllugin (to get that author bio/image in the sidebar) OR youll need to disable that feature in the theme.

      I have clear instructions on it in the readme file, check that out and if its still not clear – let me know! :)

  5. Hello,
    Nice theme. I will use them in a multiple author’s blog.
    It’s possible to identify all post by its author? I.E. have a “posted by…” in all posts?

  6. I have not downloaded this template yet, but I was wondering if there is an option to have 3 columns or is it fixed at 2?

  7. it looks clear and decent… i m going to use it from right today… thanks to share Liz

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