Yes, as one of the “on-staff” folk, you do have paid sick days, however — I don’t know about you, but I had to really be on deaths door before being absent from the office was accepted at by old 9to5. I’m on month 13 of my freelance career and it’s official, I’m sick. I… Continue reading 5 Reasons it's Easier Being Sick When You're a Freelancer
Category: Business
Why Some Freelancers Thrive and Others Barely Survive
The people over at Freelance Folder are working on a book and as a bit of a prologue release they have posted a report to answer this question: What makes one business work while another can’t keep up? Only 12 pages of text, this is a quick read and definately worth checking out for any… Continue reading Why Some Freelancers Thrive and Others Barely Survive
10 Questions about Design…
I got interviewed by Niki over at DesignOBlog about design, freelancing and …bananas! Niki is an awesome blogger, check out the interview here and take some time to look at the rest of her posts. I don’t think of my design style in an aesthetic way, but more of my style of working. I try… Continue reading 10 Questions about Design…