PageBreak Podcast with Niki Brown & Liz Andrade

(Hey, that’s me!) So the wait is finally over, Niki and I have been scheming about this for a long time now and then over the last couple weeks pulled it all off… PageBreak is a design, business and marketing-themed book club and podcast, started by Liz Andrade and Niki Brown. The main goal of the club… Continue reading PageBreak Podcast with Niki Brown & Liz Andrade

I Don't Work Weekends

After 2.5 years in business — I still think of myself as new to the game. I am just getting started, still learning and still have plenty of room to grow! However sometimes those who are even newer to running a business than me ask how I do it. How do I market myself, get… Continue reading I Don't Work Weekends