Inspired by this tweet from Niki Brown and her Day in Logos post from back in November ’08 – Here is my day in logos.
What would your day in logos look like?
Try snapping photos of some of the logos you encounter throughout your day and share it on your blog or Flickr!
Awesome post! I missed Nikki’s post about this when it came around. Makes me want to do my own version…
Have the totally rad show, ikea, and pabst in there totally made my day :)
OK, so it’s a pretty small shot….so I’m guessing here. Is that a scantily clad woman…umm…passionately applying deodorant to scantily clad male???
If so, that is an epic photo. It’s like the cover of a dime novel, but with deodorant!
LOL @chad
i know! pretty silly!